Associazione Musicale Vincent Persichetti










          Musica da camera e 
          strumenti solisti


















































































Vincent Persichetti






Ci sono stati pochi compositori americani del XX secolo universalmente ammirati come Vincent Persichetti. Il suo contributo ha arricchito l’intera letteratura musicale e la sua influenza come musicista e insegnante è stata incommensurabile.

 Nato a Philadelphia il 6 Giugno del 1915,  visse fino all’età di quattro anni nel South Philadelphia, un quartiere di immigrati italiani. Nonostante i suoi genitori, Matha Catherine Buch e Vincenzo Ruggero Persichetti, non fossero musicisti, incoraggiarono il loro figlio a iniziare la carriera musicale.

Quando si trasferirono a South Broad Street Philadelphia Vincent conobbe Gilbert Raynolds Combs, il fondatore del Combs Conservatory of Music, che viveva poco distante da lui, e già da piccolissimo faceva costantemente visita al maestro per carpire le conoscenze musicali di quest’ultimo.

 Vincent Persichetti iniziò la sua carriera di musicista a 5 anni studiando pianoforte sotto la guida del meastro William Stanger.  Nel 1921, all’età di soli sei anni, fece la sua prima apparizione in un recital pianistico. Inoltre studiò organo, contrabbasso, tuba  diventandone un buon esecutore.  



Dall’età di 11 anni egli contribuiva economicamente al sostentamento dei suoi studi musicali lavorando come pianista accompagnatore, pianista accompagnatore nelle emittenti radiofoniche, come membro in un orchestra e organista della chiesa. A 16 anni fu nominato organista e direttore di coro alla Chiesa Presibiteriana di Arch Street di Philadelphia, posto che mantenne per circa 20 anni.

 Insieme a queste prime attività, Persichetti studiava nella scuola pubblica di Philadelphia e ricevette una buona educazione musicale al Combs College Of Music, dove conseguì il diploma (Bachelor of Music- Laurea in Musica) nel 1935 sotto la guida di Russell King Miller, il suo primo insegnante di composizione che ebbe una notevole influenza nella sua carriera. Dall’età di 20 anni fu simultaneamente a capo del dipartimento di teoria e composizione al Combs College, studiò direzione d’orchetra  con Fritz Reiner e pianoforte con Olga Samaroff al Philadelphia Conservatory (Conservatorio di Philadelphia) e inoltre studiò composizione con numerosi compositori americani molto importanti. Conseguì il Diploma in Direzione dal Curtis Institute e un diploma di Master of Music e di Doctor of Music dal Philadelphia Conservatory (nel sistema universitario statunitense Master of Music corrisponde a un primo livello di istruzione musica, il Bachelor of Music è la laurea, corrispondente alla nostra laurea triennale, mentre il Doctor of Music è il maggior grado di istruzione universitaria musicale).




Nel 1941 Persichetti fu nominato capo del dipartimento di teoria e composizione al Philadelphia Conservatory e nello stesso anno sposò la pianista Dorothea Flanagan, a cui sono dedicate le Sonate per Pianoforte. Nel 1944 nacque la prima figlia Lauren e nel 1946 il secondogenito Garth.

Nel 1947 , William Schuman gli diede la possibilità di insegnare alla Julliard School of  Music,diventando il principale insegnante di composizione nel 1963. Nel 1952 divenne direttore artistico della casa editrice Elkan – Vogel.


Vincent Persichetti ricevette veramente tantissimi premi e onorificenze dalla comunità accademiche e artistiche, come ad esempio la laurea ad honorem in ambito musicale alla Bucknell University, Millikin University, Frizione State Univesity, Combs College, Baldwin-Wallace College, Peabody Conservatory.

Ricevette tre Guggenheim Fellowships, ricevette 2 borse di studio da National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities e una dal National Institute of Arts and Letters, del quale era membro.

Ricevette molti premi tra cui il primo Kennedy Center Friedheim Award mai assegnato, il Brandeis University Creative Arts Award, il Pennsylvania Governor’s Award, il Columbia Records Chamber Music Award, Juilliard Publication Award, Blue Network Chamber Music Award, Symphony League Award e la Medaglia di Onore dal Governo Italiano.

Inoltre ebbe tantissime commissioni dalle più importanti orchestre americane e da molti musicisti solisti, tenne master e lezioni in moltissime università americane.






La produzione di Persichetti comprende più di 120 opere pubblicate,composte per quasi tutti gli strumenti musicali e molte di queste disponibili su registrazioni commerciali. Sebbene egli non compose specificatamente musica per fini didattici, molti dei suoi pezzi più semplici possono essere utilizzati nell'insegnamento.


Le composizioni per pianoforte, consistono in sei Sonatine, tre volumi di poesie, un Concerto e un Concertino per pianoforte e orchestra, Serenate, un Concerto per pianoforte a quattro mani, una Sonata per due pianoforti, dodici Sonate per pianoforte e molti altri brevi componimenti. Essendo un valente esecutore delle tastiere produsse ottime composizioni per organo(nove composizioni tra cui Sonatine per Organo, Pedals Alone e la drammatica shimah B' Koli, psalm 130) e nove Sonate per clavicembalo.


Lo stile di scrittura orchestrale di Persichetti riflette il suo consistente talento e la su aesperienza nella direzione. Alcune tra le sue sinfonie, la Quarta, Quinta Sinfonia per Archi, l'Ottava sono ormai parte del repertorio sinfonico americano. La Settima Sinfonia rivela parte del suo pensiero ed è lo sviluppo sinfonico di materiale corale proveniente dal libretto di Inni e Responsori per l'anno liturgico. Un altro importante e ampio lavoro orchestrale, commissionato dalla Philadelphia Orchestra è Sinfonia: Juniculum, scritta mentre Persichetti era a Roma  per il suo secondo incarico di ricercatore concesso dal Guggenheim Musem. Il breve componimento Hollow Men per trombe ed orchestra d’archi è il più famoso delle sue composizioni sinfoniche ed evoca l'atmosfera delicata di una poesia di T .S. Eliot

 Tre delle sue ultime commissioni furono Il Concerto per Corno Inglese dalla Nwe York Philarminic, FLOWER SONGS: cantata no.6  richiesta da Michael Korn e i Philadelphia Singers e il Chorale Prelude : Give Peace, O God dall’omonimo componimento di Ann Arbor  dell’Associazione degli Organisti.


Le numerose composizioni strumentali includono due serie uniche nel loro genere. Una consiste di 15 composizioni chiamate tutte con lo stesso nome: Serenata. Esse comprendono diverse combinazioni di strumenti comprendenti un duo di piano, flauto e arpa, tuba solista, orchestra, banda, duo di clarinetti e trio di trombone, viola e violoncello. L’ altra serie formata da 25 pezzi chiamati Parable,  fu composta in un arco temporale di circa venti anni.

  Per quanto riguarda la musica strumentale egli scrisse anche 4 quartetti per archi, un quintetto con piano, sonate per viola e violoncello solista, Infanta Marina per viola e pianoforte, Little Recorder Book e Masques per violino e pianoforte per citarne solo alcune.


L’ atipica sensibilità di Persichetti per la poesia lo portò a comporre numerosi pezzi per coro e per voce con alta qualità musicale e letteraria. La sua più importante composizione vocale è indubbiamente Harmonium, un suggestivo ciclo di canzoni che relazionano magistralmente la musica con i peomi di Wallance Stevens.


Sebbene non siano della stessa grandezza di Harmonium, gli altri lavori di Persichetti esibiscono sempre un ottima congiunzione tra testo e musica che le differenziano dai tentativi di altri compositori in questo genere. Le sue composizioni corali spaziano da brevi lavori come Proverb per voci miste, Song Of Peace per coro maschile e pianoforte, Spring Cantata per voci femminili e pianoforte; a lavori più articolati tra cui: Messa per coro misto a cappella, Winter Cantata per coro femminile, flauto e marimba, Glad and Very per due parti miste, coro femminile o coro maschile e pianoforte; a lavori sacri di notevole estensione: The Pleiades per coro, tromba e orchestra d’archi, Celebration, un imponente lavoro per quartetto vocale, coro e orchestra i quali testi sono stati scritti dal compositore stesso che ha attinto da fonti mitologiche, scientifiche , letterarie e bibliche. Il piccolo libro Hymns and Responses for the Church Year, è stato molto significativo pre il repertorio liturgico del XX secolo.


Più di molti altri compositori americani, Vincent Persichettti prodigò il suo talento nella letteratura per orchestra di fiati. Dalla Serenata per dieci strumenti a fiato  Op 1 alla Parable for Band Op 121 egli fornì ai musicisti e agli ascoltatori un corpo di musica di impareggiabile eccellenza. Tra i suoi 14 lavori per banda, quattro hanno maggiori proporzioni : Masquerade, Parable, A Lincoln Adress and Symphony for Band. Mentre il Divertimento,  una tra le composizioni di minore importanza, è senz’altro il lavoro maggiormente eseguito tra tutto il suo repertorio.


 Oltre al suo esaustivo repertorio egli scrisse uno dei più importanti libri sulle moderne tecniche compositive, Twenty Century Harmony : Creative Aspects and Practice (W.W. Norton 1961); scrisse anche saggi in due libri di Robert Hines sulla musica corale e sulla musica sinfonica del ventesimo secolo (University of Oklahoma Press, 1963 and 1970). Inoltre Persichetti fu anche co autore di una biografia di William Schuman (G. Schirmer, 1954).


Persichetti fu un insegnante di eccellenza per una nuova e avventurosa generazione di compositori – fortunatamente, ampia e musicalmente eloquente- e un lucido ed esperto teorico. In entrambe le sue capacità il suo grande talento fu sempre chiaro e di grande effetto, fornendo un esempio di leadership dinamica per quelli che incontrarono il suo genio.




Opere Pubblicate





A Lincoln Address, Op. 124A for Narrator and Band (1973) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Arkansas Tech Band, Tom Slater, narrator, Gene Witherspoon conducting, February 1, 1974

Bagatelles for Band, Op. 87 (1961)
Available From E. F. Kalmus


Celebrations, Op. 103 Cantata No. 3, for Chorus and Wind Ensemble (1966) -- 23'
Premiere Information: University of Wisconsin Choir, River Falls, WI, Donald Nitz conducting, November 18, 1966

Chorale Prelude: O God Unseen, Op. 160 (1984) -- 8' 30"
Premiere Information: East Carolina University Wind Ensemble, Herbert Carter conducting, Winston-Salem, NC, November 4, 1984

Chorale Prelude: So Pure the Star, Op. 91 (1962) -- 4'
Premiere Information: Duke University Band, composer conducting, Durham, NC, December 11, 1962

Chorale Prelude: Turn Not Thy Face, Op. 105 -- 4' 30"
Premiere Information: Ithaca High School Band, Frank Battisti conducting, May 17, 1967

Divertimento for Band, Op. 42 (1950) -- 11'
Premiere Information: Goldman Band, composer conducting, June 16, 1950

Masquerade for Band, Op. 102 (1965) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory Band, composer conducting, Berea, OH, January 23, 1966

O Cool is the Valley, Op. 118 Poem for Band (1971) -- 6'
Premiere Information: Bowling Green Band, OMEA Convention, composer conducting, Columbus, OH, February 5, 1972

Pageant for Band, Op. 59 (1953)
Available From Carl Fischer

Parable IX, Op. 121 for Band (1972) -- 17'
Premiere Information: The Drake University Band, Don R. Marcouiller conducting, Des Moines, IA, April 6, 1973

Psalm for Band, Op. 53 (1952) -- 8'
Premiere Information: University of Louisville Band, composer conducting, May 2, 1952

Serenade No. 11, Op. 85 for Band (1960) -- 6'
Premiere Information: Ithaca High School Band, composer conducting, Ithaca, NY, April 19, 1961

Symphony for Band, Op. 69 (Symphony No. 6) (1956) -- 16'
Premiere Information: Washington University Band, Clark Mitze conducting, St. Louis, MO, April 16, 1956



Concertato, Op. 12 for Piano and String Quartet (1940)
Available From New York Public Library

Fanfare for Two Trumpets, Op. 164a -- 1' 17"

Fantasy, Op. 15 for Violin and Piano (1941)
Available From New York Public Library

First String Quartet, Op. 7 (1939) -- 17'
Premiere Information: Stuyvesant String Quartet, League of Composers, New York, NY, March 14, 1943

Fourth String Quartet, Op. 122 (Parable X) -- 22'
Premiere Information: The Alard String Quartet, Penn State University, February 28, 1973

Infanta Marina, Op. 83 for Viola and Piano (1960) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Walter Trampler and Lucy Greene, New York, NY, March 5, 1961

King Lear, Op. 35 Septet for Woodwind Quintet, Timpani and Piano (1948) -- 19'
Premiere Information: Martha Graham Company, Montclair, NJ, January 31, 1949
Additional Information: Originally title "The Eye of Anguish"

Little Piano Book Arranged for Brass Quintet

Little Recorder Book, Op. 70 (1956) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Vincent and Lauren Persichetti, Philadelphia, PA, June, 1956

Masques, Op. 99 Ten Pieces for Violin and Piano (1965)
Premiere Information: He-Kyong Kim and Joseph Kalickstein, Juilliard School of Music, NY, December 18, 1965

Parable I, Op. 100 for Solo Flute (1965) -- 7'
Alto or C Flute
Premiere Information: Sophie Sollberger, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA, December 16, 1965

Parable II, Op. 108 for Brass Quintet (1968) -- 13'
Premiere Information: New York Brass Quintet, Carnegie Recital Hall, NY, April 17, 1968

Parable III, Op. 109 for Solo Oboe (1968) -- 5' 30"

Parable IV, Op. 110 for Solo Bassoon (1969) -- 5' 30"

Parable V, Op. 112 for Carillon (1969) -- 4'
Premiere Information: Albert C. Gerken, Lawrence, KS, May 12, 1970

Parable VII, Op. 119 for Solo Harp (1971) -- 17'
Premiere Information: Beth Schwartz, San Diego, CA, June 23, 1972

Parable VIII, Op. 120 for Solo Horn (1972) -- 6' 45"
Premiere Information: Priscilla McAfee, Alice Tully Hall, New York, NY, November 7, 1972

Parable XI, Op. 123 for Solo Alto Saxophone (1972) -- 4' 30"
Premiere Information: Brian Minor, Kalamazoo, MI, April 14, 1973

Parable XII, Op. 125 for Solo Piccolo (1973) -- 2' 40"

Parable XIII, Op. 126 for Solo Clarinet (1973) -- 5'
Premiere Information: Esther Lamneck, Paris, France, October 4, 1974

Parable XIV, Op. 127 for Solo Trumpet (1973) -- 4' 20"

Parable XV, Op. 128 for Solo English Horn (1973) -- 2' 30"
Premiere Information: Paula Dublinski, Tempe, AZ, April 2, 1975

Parable XVI, Op. 130 for Solo Viola (1974) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Donald McInnes, International Viola Congress, Ypsilanti, MI, June 29, 1975

Parable XVII, Op. 131 for Solo Doublebass (1974) -- 6'
Premiere Information: Bertram Turetzky, Poland, October 1974

Parable XVIII, Op. 133 for Solo Trombone (1975) -- 5'
Premiere Information: Per Brevig, Nashville, TN, May 31, 1978

Parable XXI, Op. 140 for Solo Guitar -- 1978
Premiere Information: Peter Segal, Carnegie Recital Hall, NY, October 21, 1978

Parable XXII, Op. 147 for Solo Tuba (1981)
Premiere Information: Harvey Phillips, Carnegie Recital Hall, NY, April 25, 1982

Parable XXIII, Op. 150 for Violin, Cello and Piano (1981)
Premiere Information: Hamao Fujiwaro, James Kreger and composer, January 28, 1982

Parable XXV, Op. 164 for Two Trumpets (1986)

Pastoral, Op. 21 for Woodwind Quintet
Available From G. Schirmer


Quintet, Op. 66 for Piano and Strings (1954) -- 23'
Premiere Information: Kroll String Quartet and the composer, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, February 4, 1955

Second String Quartet, Op. 24 (1944) -- 18'
Premiere Information: Roth String Quartet, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Festival (Blue Network), August 16, 1945

Serenade No. 1, Op. 1 for Ten Wind Instruments (1929) -- 11'
Fl., Ob., Cl., Bsn., 2Hn., 2Tpt., Tbn., Tuba
Premiere Information: New York Wind Ensemble, San Angelo College, TX, April 21, 1952

Serenade No. 10, Op. 79 for Flute and Harp (1957) -- 20'
Premiere Information: Lora and Vito, Istanbul, Turkey, September 21, 1957

Serenade No. 12, Op. 88 for Solo Tuba (1961) -- 5'
Premiere Information: Harvey Phillips, Elkhart, IN, November 14, 1962

Serenade No. 13, Op. 95 for Two Clarinets (1963) -- 6'
Premiere Information: Chapin School, NYC, May 7, 1964

Serenade No. 14, Op. 159 for Solo Oboe (1984) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Pamela Epple, Christ and St. Stephen’s Church, NY, May 17, 1984

Serenade No. 3, Op. 17 for Violin, Cello, and Piano (1941)
Available From Southern Music Publishing Co.


Serenade No. 4, Op. 28 for Violin and Piano (1945) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Peter Oundjian and Charles Abramovic, Tully Hall, NY, November 12, 1981

Serenade No. 6, Op. 44 for Trombone, Viola, and Cello (1950) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Davis Shuman, Aaron Chaifetz and Robert Jamieson, Groton, MA, January 27, 1951

Serenade No. 9 for Flute and Alto Flute

Serenade No. 9, Op. 71 for Soprano and Alto Recorders (1956) -- 10'

Sonata for Solo Cello, Op. 54 (1952) -- 23'
Premiere Information: Elsa Hilger, Samaroff Foundation, Museum of Modern Art, NY, May 6, 1953

Sonata for Solo Violin, Op. 10 (1940) -- 10'
Premiere Information: Broadus Erle, Waldport, OR, November 17, 1945

Suite for Violin and Cello, Op. 9 (1940)
Available From New York Public Library

Third String Quartet, Op. 81 (1959) -- 20'
Premiere Information: Alabama String Quartet, Tuscaloosa, AL, April 19, 1959
Additional Information: Score.

Vocalise, Op. 27 for Cello and Piano (1945) -- 3'
Premiere Information: Samuel Mayes, Tri-County Concerts, Wayne, PA, November 1, 1946


A Clear Midnight from Celebrations, Op. 103 (1966)
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SATB and Pno.

Agnus Dei from Mass, Op. 84 for SATB, a cappella

Amens from Hymns and Responses, Op. 68 for SATB Chorus

Celebrations, Op. 103 Cantata No. 3
Additional Information: Chorus and Piano transcriptions of "Celebrations, Op. 103 for Chorus and Wind Ensemble."

There is That in Me from Celebrations, Op. 103

A Clear Midnight from Celebrations, Op. 103

Sing Me the Universal from Celebrations, Op. 103

I Sing the Body Electric from Celebrations, Op. 103

Stranger from Celebrations, Op. 103

I Celebrate Myself from Celebrations, Op. 103

Four cummings Choruses, Op. 98 for 2-part Mixed, Women’s, or Men’s Voices and Piano (1964) -- 6'
Commission Information: Dartmouth Glee Club, Paul Zeller conducting, Hanover, NH, February 12, 1964

Dominic Has a Doll

Nouns to Nouns

Maggie and Milly and Molly and May


Glad and Very (Five cummings Choruses, Cantata No. 5), Op. 129 for 2-part Mixed, Women’s or Men’s Voices and Piano (1974) -- 11'
Commission Information: Huntingdon Choir, Andrew E. Housholder conducting, Huntingdon, NY, December 18, 1974

Gloria from Mass, Op. 84

Hymns and Responses for the Church Year

Hymns and Responses for the Church Year Volume 1, Op. 68 (1955)
First Presbyterian Church Choir, Philadelphia, Alexander McCurdy conducting, October 7, 1956

Hymns and Responses for the Church Year Volume 2, Op. 166 (1987)

I Celebrate Myself from Celebrations, Op. 103
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SATB and Pno.

I Sing the Body Electric from Celebrations, Op. 103
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SATB and Pno.

Love, Op. 116 for Women’s Chorus (SSAA), a cappella (1971) -- 4'
Premiere Information: Mount Holyoke Singers, Tamara Brooks conducting, 30th Wedding Anniversary at composer’s home, June 3, 1971
Additional Information: Text from Corinthians.

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Op. 8 for Mixed Chorus and Piano (1940) -- 7'
Premiere Information: Ithaca College Choir, Lawrence Doebler conducting, November 10, 1979

Mass, Op. 84 for Mixed Chorus, a cappella (1960) -- 17' 50"
Premiere Information: Collegiate Chorale, Mark Orton conducting, Carnegie Hall, NY, April 20, 1961
Additional Information: Latin text.

Proverb, Op. 34 for Mixed Chorus -- 2'

Seek the Highest, Op. 78 for SAB Chorus and Piano (1957) -- 4'
Premiere Information: Ethical Culture Society Chorus, John DeWitt, conducting, NY, March 17, 1957

Sing Me the Universal from Celebrations, Op. 103
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SATB and Pno.

Song of Peace, Op. 82 for Male Chorus and Piano (1959) -- 3'
Premiere Information: Colgate University Chapel Choir, William Skelton conducting, Hamilton, NY, April 26, 1959
Additional Information: Also available for SATB and Keyboard.

Song of Peace, Op. 82a Version for SATB and Keyboard (1959) -- 3'
Additional Information: Also available for Male Chorus and Piano.

Spring Cantata (Cantata No. 1), Op. 94 for Women’s Chorus and Piano (1963) -- 6'
Premiere Information: Wheelock College Choir, Leo Collins conducting, Boston, MA, April 1, 1964

Stranger from Celebrations, Op. 103
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SA and Pno.

The Pleiades, Op. 107 for Trumpet, SATB Chorus and String Orchestra (1967) -- 23'
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: New York State University College Chorus and Orchestra, Potsdam, NY, composer conducting, May 10, 1968
Additional Information: Text by Walt Whitman

There is That in Me from Celebrations, Op. 103
Part of Celebrations, Op. 103
SATB and Pno.

Thou Child So Wise for Unison Chorus and Piano
Additional Information: Arranged from the version for Vocal Solo

Three Canons for Voices, Op. 31 for 3-Part Women’s, Men’s, or Mixed Voices -- 3' 15"

Three Selections from Winter Cantata for Women’s Chorus, Flute and Marimba (1964)

Two cummings Choruses, Op. 33 for 2-part Mixed, Women’s or Men’s Voices and Piano
Available From G. Schirmer

Two cummings Choruses, Op. 46 for Women’s Voices, a cappella
Available From Carl Fischer

Winter Cantata (Cantata No. 2), Op. 97 for Women’s Chorus, Flute, and Marimba (1964) -- 13' 20"
Premiere Information: Emma Willard Choir, Russell Locke conducting, Troy, NY, April 9, 1965


Eighth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 158 (1984) -- 11'
Premiere Information: Linda Kolber, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY, November 15, 1985

Fifth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 152 (1982) -- 9' 30"
Premiere Information: John Metz, Tempe, AZ, December 8, 1982

First Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 52 (1951) -- 13'
Premiere Information: Fernando Valenti, Town Hall, NY, January 10, 1952

Fourth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 151 (1982) -- 9' 30"
Premiere Information: Joan Applegate, Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg, PA, April 3, 1982

Little Harpsichord Book, Op. 155 -- 8' 40"
Premiere Information: Elaine Comparone, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA, October 16, 1983

Ninth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 163 (1985) -- 13'
Premiere Information: Masanobu Ikemiya, Arcady Music Festival, Mt. Desert Island, ME, July 21, 1986

Parable XXIV, Op. 153 for Harpsichord (1982) -- 8'
Premiere Information: Cathy Callis, Capital University, Columbus, OH, April 21, 1983

Second Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 146 (1981) -- 11' 30"
Premiere Information: Elaine Comparone, Cleveland, OH, June 23, 1982

Serenade No. 15 for Harpsichord, Op. 159 -- 7' 30"
Premiere Information: Larry Palmer, Dallas, TX, September 23, 1985

Seventh Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 156 (1983) -- 7'
Premiere Information: Barbara Harbach, Wilmot Hall, Rochester, NY, March 19, 1983

Sixth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 154 (1982) -- 7' 30"
Premiere Information: Larry Palmer, Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans, LA, September 11, 1983

Tenth Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 167 -- 12'

Third Harpsichord Sonata, Op. 149 (1981) -- 9' 17"
Premiere Information: Elaine Comparone, Washington, DC, October 10, 1982


The Sibyl: A Parable of Chicken Little (Parable XX), Op. 135 Opera in One Act (1976) -- 70'
Voices: Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Mixed Chorus Orch: 2-1-2-1/2-2-2-1; Timp., Perc., Pno.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Commission Information: The Pennsylvania Opera Theater
Premiere Information: The Pennsylvania Opera Theater, Philadelphia, PA, Barbara Silverstein conducting, April 13, 1985
Additional Information: Libretto by the composer

• Realization
• Sky Spell
• Wishing



A Lincoln Address, Op. 124 for Narrator and Orchestra (1972) -- 12'
4-3-4-3; 4-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, William Warfield, narrator, Walter Susskind conducting, January 25, 1973

Concertino for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 16 (1941) -- 9'
2-2-2-2; 2-2-0-0; Timp., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, piano, Eastman-Rochester Symposium Orchestra, Howard Hanson, conductor, October 23, 1945

Concerto for English Horn and String Orchestra, Op. 137 (1977) -- 19'
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: New York Philharmonic, Thomas Stacy, English horn, Eric Leinsdorf, conductor, November 17, 1977

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 90 -- 32'
3-2-3-2; 4-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Anthony di Bonaventura, piano, Dartmouth Symphony, Mario di Bonaventura conducting, Hanover, NH, August 2, 1964

Dance Overture, Op. 20 (1942) -- 8'
3-3-3-3; 4-4-3-1; Timp., Perc, Pno., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Konoye conducting, Japan, February 7, 1948

Fables for Narrator and Orchestra, Op. 23 (1943)
Available From Carl Fischer

Fairy Tale, Op. 48 (1950)
Available From Carl Fischer


Flower Songs (Cantata No. 6), Op. 157 for Mixed Chorus and String Orchestra (1983) -- 21'
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: The Philadelphia Singers with the Concerto Soloists, Michael Korn conducting, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, April 20, 1984
Additional Information: Text by e.e. cummings

Introit for Strings, Op. 96 (1964) -- 3'
Premiere Information: Youth Symphony of Kansas City, Jack Herriman conducting, MO, May 1, 1965

Night Dances, Op. 114 (1970) -- 22'
3-3-2-2; 4-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: NYSSMA Orchestra, Kiamesha Lake, New York, Frederick Fennell conducting, December 9, 1970

Serenade No. 5, Op. 43 (1950) -- 11'
2-2-2-2; 4-2-3-1; Timp., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Louisville Orchestra, Robert Whitney conducting, November 15, 1950

Sinfonia: Janiculum, Op. 113 (Symphony No. 9) -- 23'
4-3-4-3; 4-3-3-1; Timp., 2Perc., Hp., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor, March 5, 1971

Stabat Mater, Op. 92 for Chorus and Orchestra (1963) -- 28'
2-2-2-2; 4-2-3-1; Timp. Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Collegiate Chorale, Abraham Kaplan conducting, Carnegie Hall, NY, May 1, 1964

Symphony for Strings, Op. 61 (Symphony No. 5) (1953) -- 22'
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Louisville Orchestra, Whitney conducting, August 28, 1954

Symphony No. 1, Op. 18 (1942)
2-3-2-3; 7-3-3-1; Timp., B.Dr., Str.

Symphony No. 2, Op. 19 (1942)
2-3-2-3; 4-2-2-0; Timp., Pno., Str.

Symphony No. 3, Op. 30 (1946) -- 28'
3-3-3-3; 7-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Pno., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy conducting, November 21, 1947

Symphony No. 4, Op. 51 (1951) -- 23'
3-3-3-2; 4-2-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor, December 17, 1954

Symphony No. 7, Op. 80 (Liturgical) (1958) -- 25'
4-3-4-3; 4-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: St. Louis Symphony, Remoortel conducting, October 24, 1959

Symphony No. 8, Op. 106 (1967) -- 29'
3-3-3-2; 7-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Hp., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Baldwin Wallace Conservatory Orchestra, George Poinar conducting, October 29, 1967

Te Deum, Op. 93 for Chorus and Orchestra (1963) -- 14'
2-2-2-2; 4-2-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Pennsylvania All-State Chorus, Allen Flock conducting, Philadelphia, PA, March 15, 1964

The Creation, Op. 111 for SATB Soli, Chorus and Orchestra -- 70'
3-3-3-2; 4-3-3-1; Timp., Perc., Str.
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Juilliard Chorus and Orchestra, composer conducting, Tully Hall, NY, April 17, 1970
Additional Information: Text by the composer from mythological, scientific, poetic and Biblical sources.

The Hollow Men, Op. 25 for Trumpet and String Orchestra -- 8'
Available from the Presser Rental Library
Premiere Information: Germantown Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Lipkin conducting, December 12, 1946
Additional Information: Also available for Trumpet and Piano or Organ




Auden Variations, Op. 136 (1977) -- 22'
Premiere Information: Leonard Raver, International Contemporary Organ Music Festival, Hartford, CT, July 14, 1978

Chorale Prelude: Drop, Drop, Slow Tears, Op. 104 -- 12'
Premiere Information: Haskill Thomson, Lexington, KY, April 13, 1967


Chorale Prelude: Give Peace, O God, Op. 162 -- 12'
Premiere Information: Donald Williams, American Guild of Organists National Convention, Ann Arbor, MI, June 3, 1986

Do Not Go Gentle, Op. 132 for Pedals Alone -- 8'
Premiere Information: Leonard Raver, Boston, MA, November 18, 1974

Dryden Liturgical Suite, Op. 144 (1980) -- 18'
Premiere Information: Marilyn Mason, American Guild of Organists National Convention, St. Paul, MN, June 18, 1980


Parable VI, Op. 117 (1971) -- 14'
Premiere Information: David Craighead, American Guild of Organists National Convention, Forth Worth, TX, June 21, 1972

Shimah B’Koli (Psalm 130), Op. 89 (1962) -- 10'
Premiere Information: Virgil Fox, Philharmonic Hall, NY, December 15, 1962


Sonata for Organ, Op. 86 (1960) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Rudolph Kremer, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, December 28, 1960

Sonatine for Organ, Pedals Alone, Op. 11 (1940) -- 7'
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA, November 8, 1940

Song of David, Op. 148 (1981) -- 5' 30"
Premiere Information: Leonard Raver, Church of the Ascension, New York, NY, March 7, 1983



Appalachian Christmas Carols (After John Jacob Niles) for One Piano, Four Hands -- 7' 30"

Concerto for Piano, Four Hands, Op. 56 -- 18'
Premiere Information: Vincent and Dorothea Persichetti, Pittsburgh International Contemporary Music Festival, November 29, 1952

Eighth Piano Sonata, Op. 41 (1950) -- 7'
Premiere Information: Claire Shapiro, Philadelphia Conservatory, Philadelphia, PA, March 19, 1956

Fifth Piano Sonata, Op. 37 (1949) -- 8' 30"
Premiere Information: Jean Geis, Town Hall, NY, March 11, 1951

First Piano Sonata, Op. 3 (1939) -- 16'
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, Philadelphia Conservatory, Philadelphia, PA, May 8, 1939


Four Arabesques, Op. 141 (1978) -- 3' 20"

Fourth Piano Sonata, Op. 36 (1949) -- 18' 30"
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, League of Composers, NY, December 27, 1949

Little Mirror Book, Op. 139 (1978) -- 4' 30"

Little Piano Book, Op. 60 (1953) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Lauren Persichetti, Philadelphia Conservatory, November 14, 1954


Mirror Etudes, Op. 143 (1979) -- 14'
Premiere Information: Virginia Sircy, Lawton, OK, June 21, 1980

Ninth Piano Sonata, Op. 58 (1952) -- 12'
Premiere Information: David Burge, Madison, WI, March 8, 1962

Organ Prelude and Fugue in A Minor (Johannes Brahms)

Parable XIX, Op. 134 for Piano (1975) -- 10' 30"
Premiere Information: Daniel Pollack, MTNA National Convention, Dallas, TX, March 30, 1976

Parades, Op. 57 (1952) -- 3'
Premiere Information: Garth Persichetti, Philadelphia Conservatory, Philadelphia, PA, February 5, 1956

Piano Sonatinas, Volume 1 -- 12' total
Premiere Information: Sonatina No. 2: Margaret Barthel, Town Hall, NY, December 13, 1951

• Sonatina No. 1, Op. 38 (1950) (3min.)
• Sonatina No. 2, Op. 45 (1950) (5min.)
• Sonatina No. 3, Op. 47 (1950) (4min.)

Piano Sonatinas, Volume 2 -- 9' total

• Sonatina No. 4, Op. 63 (1954) (3min.)
• Sonatina No. 5, Op. 64 (1954) (3min.)
• Sonatina No. 6, Op. 65 (1954) (3min.)

Poems for Piano, Volume 1, Op. 4 (1939) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, League of Composers (CBS), February 24, 1940

Poems for Piano, Volume 2, Op. 5 (1939) -- 9'
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, WNYC Festival of American Music, February 13, 1945

Poems for Piano, Volume 3, Op. 14 (1941) -- 10'

Reflective Keyboard Studies, Op. 138 (1978)

Second Piano Sonata, Op. 6 (1939) -- 11'
Premiere Information: Dorothea Flanagan, El Dorado, KS, January 8, 1941


Serenade No. 2, Op. 2 (1929) -- 4'
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, Combs Conservatory, Philadelphia, PA, December 21, 1929

Serenade No. 7, Op. 55 (1952) -- 9'

Serenade No. 8, Op. 62 for Piano, 4 Hands (1954) -- 3'

Seventh Piano Sonata, Op. 40 (1950) -- 7'
Premiere Information: Robert Smith, Philadelphia Conservatory, Philadelphia, PA, May 21, 1956


Sixth Piano Sonata, Op. 39 (1950) -- 12'
Premiere Information: Joseph Bloch, Town Hall, NY, April 26, 1951

Sonata for Two Pianos, Op. 13 (1940) -- 11' 17"
Premiere Information: Dorothea Flanagan and Vincent Persichetti, Town Hall, New York, April 2, 1941

Sonatas for Piano Complete Edition
Additional Information: Sonatas 1-12 also available separately.

Tenth Piano Sonata, Op. 67 (1955) -- 22'
Premiere Information: Josef Raieff, Juilliard School of Music, NY, February 20, 1956

Third Piano Sonata, Op. 22 (1943) -- 12' 30"
Premiere Information: Vincent Persichetti, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Festival, August 13, 1943

Three Toccatinas, Op. 142 (1979) -- 6'
Premiere Information: International Piano Festival and Competition, University of Maryland, June 18, 1980

Twelfth Piano Sonata (Mirror Sonata), Op. 145 (1981) -- 13'
Premiere Information: Jeffrey Jacob, Notre Dame, IN, April 18, 1983

Variations for an Album, Op. 32 (1947) -- 4'
Premiere Information: John Kirkpatrick, Baldwin-Wallace College, October 17, 1947

Winter Solstice, Op. 165 (1986) -- 11'


A Net of Fireflies, Op. 115 Cycle of 17 Songs for Voice and Piano (1970) -- 19'
Premiere Information: Carolyn Reyer, Tully Hall, NY, May 12, 1971
Additional Information: Haiku verse, translated by Harold Stewart.


Carl Sandburg Songs, Op. 73 (1957)
Available From New York Public Library


e. e. cummings Songs, Op. 26 (1945)
Available From New York Public Library


Emily Dickinson Songs, Op. 77 (1957)
Premiere Information: Shirley Verrett, Town Hall, NY, November 4, 1958

Out of the Morning

I'm Nobody

When the Hills Do

The Grass

English Songs, Op. 49 (1951)
Available From New York Public Library


Harmonium, Op. 50 Cycle for Soprano and Piano (1951) -- 65'
Premiere Information: Hilda Rainer and Vincent Persichetti, League of Composers, Museum of Modern Art, NY, January 20, 1952
Additional Information: Poems by Wallace Stevens

Hilaire Belloc Songs, Op. 75 (1957)

Thou Child So Wise
additional Information: Also available for Unison Chorus and Piano

The Microbe

James Joyce Songs, Op. 74 (1957)
Premiere Information: Marlene Kleinman and Dorothea Persichetti, Philadelphia, PA

Unquiet Heart

Brigid's Song

Noise of Waters

Robert Frost Songs, Op. 76 (1957)
Available From New York Public Library


Sara Teasdale Songs, Op. 72 (1957)
Available From New York Public Library

Two Chinese Songs, Op. 29 (1945) -- 1' 20"
Premiere Information: Richard Harvey, Town Hall, NY, April 13, 1948

• All Alone
• These Days










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